Five Elements Stone Medicine
Advanced Crystal Therapy Training

Course Outline
This advanced post-diploma crystal therapy course is designed to teach qualified crystal therapists how to use the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine, specifically the Five Elements & Meridian System, with crystals, minerals and stones.
The course will take the format of blended learning, in that the theory work & written assessment will be carried out online, whilst the tutored sessions will be mostly practical in nature and assessment will be through observation, in-class discussion and written case studies.
The course may be done as an online theory course only and a certificate of completion will be awarded at the end when all modules have been successfully completed.

Online Theory Course
The Online Learning Modules cover the theory aspect of the course and provide an introduction to the topics which will be covered in more depth in relation to the use of crystals, minerals & stones in the tutored sessions. There are a total of three modules comprising several individual units. Each unit will include a "test your knowledge" quiz designed to check students’ level of knowledge and understanding.
Module 1 Introduction
- Yin & Yang
- The Five Phases
- The Five Elements
Module 2 Zang Fu Organs & Meridians
- Introduction to Zang Fu Organs
- Zang Organs
- Fu Organs
- Meridians
- Organ Body Clock
- Qi, Essence, Fluids & Spirit
Module 3 Working With Crystals
- Getting Started With Crystals & Stones
- Methods of Appplication
- Treating Wood
- Treating Fire
- Treating Earth
- Treating Metal
- Treating Water

Workshop Sessions
The Practical Tutored Sessions are mandatory workshops requiring 100% attendance and will be carried out as five 2-day workshops.
In addition to providing a more in-depth view of the online topics in relation to the use of crystals, minerals & stones, these sessions will also include:
- Client consultation
- Taking a case history
- Observation (including facial diagnosis etc.)
- Developing a treatment strategy
- Type of condition (acute, chronic, constitutional)
- Physical, mental emotional or spiritual condition
- Application (topical, internal)
- Devising a treatment formula (choice of crystals/stones)
- Acu-point protocols for specific conditions
The sessions will cover the following:
- Session 1 - Wood Element, Liver & Gall Bladder
- Session 2 - Fire Element, Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium & Triple Warmer
- Session 3 - Earth Element, Spleen & Stomach
- Session 4 - Metal Element, Lungs & Large Intestine
- Session 5 - Water Element, Kidneys & Bladder
In order to be considered eligible for this course prospective students must have proof of being qualified in crystal therapy to diploma level, having studied a recognised course which adheres to the standards of a curriculum such as that set by the Crystal Therapy Council (CTC) or the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations (ACHO).
It is anticipated that as qualified, experienced crystal therapists that students will have a good working knowledge of crystal structures, hardness, chemical composition and other relevant attributes.
In addition to completing the online coursework and attending the practical sessions, students will be required to carry out case studies to demonstrate their competence in taking a case history, developing crystal treatment strategies and formulae.
All coursework & case studies must be completed within one year of the final practical session.